Many companies spend a large portion of their budget on company-wide events.
From company-wide conferences to fun family days, most companies don’t take a strategic approach to their meetings. Either which way you look at it, if part of your budget is to be spent on an event , wouldn’t you want to be able to see a return on your investment?
The key is to have a solid objective for having the event and the initiatives in place to follow the event. When a strategic approach is taken to any meeting, results can be measured by the use of follow up communications or even a year -long initiative that is to be followed by employees.
The following points should be considered when producing your event:
1. Have a strategy: Examine the who, what, where, why of your event. Who will be attending? Why are they attending? What are they to gain from this event? Why are you having the event?
2. Build a purpose: Building a purpose to the event gives your team a sense of ownership to the event. What message are you sending? What would you like to achieve?
3. Make it interactive: Studies have shown that an engaging event beats a dry power point presentation any day. If attendees feel they are “having fun” , they just might have an easier time receiving your message.
4. Have a follow up: The worst thing you can do is spend thousands of your hard earned dollars on an event and see little or no return. Whatever your objective, following the event, have your team practice what they have learned and measure your results.
5. Provide an Action Plan: Providing an Action Plan will guide your team to your objective and give them the tools and ammunition to increase motivation to follow through on your ultimate goal.
These are just a few ways to help your event become successful.
For more information on how you can turn your event from “just an event” to “ a return on investment” ,contact us to maximize the potential of your events.
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